We Stand in Solidarity

Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

We are at a moment of reckoning, a reckoning about a history that is built on institutionalized racism and that has benefited those in privilege while disenfranchising Black, Indigenous, and People of Color for hundreds of years. We understand that people with individual and institutional privilege have a responsibility to actively work to end racism and oppression wherever they exist. 

We are deeply impacted by the violent and senseless killing of Black people and stand in strong solidarity against systemic racism, police brutality, and the deep-seated oppression of Black people in the United States. We understand that our community — clients, friends, families — are hurting deeply. This hurt is our hurt, and it must stop. 

To our Black colleagues and friends: We see you, we honor your voices. We are eager to continue to find ways to center your voices--our voices--as we create a more equity-rich world. 

To our clients: We are a firm founded by a Black woman. We employ, 100 percent, people from traditionally underrepresented groups. We are Black, Brown, Queer, Women, and representative of a broad array of identities, all of which we deeply honor. That has, and always will be, our commitment. It is also our strength. 

Our clients must share in these values with us.  

Only those who are committed to equity and deep change seek out our services. We know that your intentions are honorable, and are committed to work with you, as partners, to help you enact your values in ways that create true and sustainable equity. 

To our friends and supporters: DeEtta Jones and Associates stands for hope and possibilities. We strive to emulate the world as we would like it to be and create a path forward, together, for others who share that commitment. Along that path, we must collectively commit to dismantling oppressive systems that have for too long kept Black people from flourishing without trauma. Equity is made possible by those in power, those with privilege, using our voices, access, and resources to positively impact lives and systems. 

Please continue to stand with us in active support of our ambitious values.

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