
Are you still using the Word "Crazy" 2022?

Ableism is probably one of the least discussed topics in the diversity, equity, and inclusion conversations, yet it’s one that also affects an enormous portion of the population globally.  Racism and sexism are pretty simple to understand as a concept and something we are more aware of. Most people can say with some degree of confidence if they hold any of those mentioned above prejudices, but ableism and how it manifests itself, have been a bit more elusive. While racism, sexism, and discrimination against the LGBT community appear more evident as straightforward, demonstrable actions, behaviors, or beliefs, ableism is something that many of us have exhibited unknowingly and unintentionally. 


Think not? 


Consider how many times we say things like, 


“He’s can be a little bipolar.” 


“Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. I was spaced out, haha, I’m so, ADHD.” 


Or the client...

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