
Keep Moving Forward with EDI at Your Organization

As the nation has devoted more attention to racial and social injustice, that lens has also turned to inequalities and disparities in the workplace. Organizations have reacted, clamoring to increase and improve their diversity efforts. After the flurry of activity, now might be the time you ask yourself, what do I do now? 

Keep moving forward! 

And we want to help in any way we can. Earlier this year, we outlined a 3-step process taking EDI to the next level. We wanted to reshare it as it might particularly resonate with you now. The method of creating an action plan might help to energize your efforts.

Part of your action plan might include diverse hiring. An inclusive and diverse workforce that reflects new and differing views leads to innovation. Research by Deloitte reported, "Organizations with inclusive cultures are six times more innovative and agile, eight times as likely to achieve better business results, and twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets...

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